Man.. Life has been so crazy and stressful lately. School is kicking my trash, Russ is crazy busy with school, work and interviewing to PA programs on the weekends and Tess and her constant ear infections, reflux and lack of sleep. I just finished a school project that took about ten hours which probably could have been done in about four but o well. ITS DONE!!! It is now Fall break and I think if the break didn't come soon I would have Fallen and broken.
Let me give you an example of my previous week. Monday I went in and had a scope of my entire insides. (endoscopy and colonoscopy) They found a few small things but nothing significant. Tuesday i had a major break down and an anxiety attack after going to school, the doctors, a therapy session, young womens, and yet another therapy session. Wednesday and thursday are blurs to me. I went to school, the doctors each day for either Tess or I or both and tried to keep my head above water. Friday was another biggie! Tess went in to get tubes in her ears since she has had four ear infections in four months and this was all during the SUMMER!!! She never responded to anti-biotics so I think she has just been a happy baby while in pain half her life.
So.. Russ and I handed off our baby to get tubes. Oh... man the emotions going along with not being there for Tess while she was in her procedure. Thats another story. Tessie comes out of surgery missing her adenoids! Yup. They decided to give her an IV, more anesthesia and take her adenoids out due to: reflux, snoring, the size of adenoids. Im not totally sure, I was too focused on Tessie who was screaming. Russ had to leave a little while after Tess came out of surgery so he could catch the shuttle and begin his 12 miserable hours of traveling to Philadelphia for yet another interview. Meanwhile, Tess and I stayed at the surgical center while she screamed, dry heaved, choked, screamed, lashed around, choked, refused to eat, and scream some more. This was all in five days!!! So once again im ready for fall break before I fall and break.
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